Your Journey to Motherhood: First Trimester Friendly Tips 🌼

Hello there, beautiful mums-to-be! 🤰
Your exciting journey into motherhood has officially begun, and the first trimester is a special time filled with changes and anticipation. Let's walk through these early days together.
1st Trimester – Weeks 1 to 12
Visit Your Doctor
The moment you suspect you're pregnant, it's time for a chat with your doctor. They'll confirm the exciting news, help you pinpoint your due date, and assist in crafting your personalised antenatal health care program.
Finding the Right Midwife & Booking Antenatal Check-ups
Now, finding the perfect midwife can be a tad stressful, I won't sugarcoat it!
My tip: Start by seeking recommendations, and if that doesn't pan out, reach out to some midwives for a friendly chat. Connecting over the phone or in person can ensure you're both on the same page regarding your maternity care. You'll need regular check-ups throughout your pregnancy to make sure everything's sailing smoothly, with your first antenatal visit scheduled between 10 and 16 weeks.
Consider Screening Tests
Around 11 weeks, you'll be offered blood tests and ultrasound scans to keep tabs on your baby's development. The first ultrasound adventure usually happens between 8 and 12 weeks. If you're local, we highly recommend the fantastic and friendly team at Ultrasound Orewa. Check them out here.
Pregnancy Multivitamins: Your Daily BFF
For a healthy first trimester, make sure to start taking a pregnancy multivitamin every day if you haven't already. They're vital for your baby's development and keeping you in tip-top shape during this early phase of pregnancy.
Looking Ahead to Birth: Book Your Birth Education Course
Just like midwives, birth education courses can fill up quickly, so don't procrastinate! Preparing for how your baby will make their grand entrance into the world is a must. Be informed about your options, choices, and ideally, educated on achieving a confident, calm, and positive birth experience. Birth education is close to my heart because I've seen its incredible impact firsthand. Don't leave your birth experience to chance – book your birth education course
Handling Morning Sickness
If morning sickness pays you a visit, remember to take it easy on yourself and eat small, frequent meals. It's a common sidekick during this trimester. But know you will get through it, in most cases this feeling goes away at around 13 weeks. Try my morning sickness remedy... Hypnotherapy for morning sickness!! Hypnotherapy Services
Quit Smoking & Vaping and Cut Out Alcohol
It's recommended to bid farewell to smoking or vaping as soon as you suspect you're pregnant if you haven't already. As for alcohol, the safest route is to avoid it while you're pregnant and breastfeeding. If you need help with this I can make it easy, I'm a trained clinical hypnotherapist who has worked with thousands of clients to give up bad habits. Book a FREE consultation today! Hypnotherapy Services
Embrace Healthy Eating
Fuel your body and your baby with a nutritious, well-balanced, and diverse diet. Don't forget to stay hydrated – drink plenty of water. Join our Early Pregnancy Retreat and get my nutrition guide to pregnancy.
Caffeine Consciousness
Keep your caffeine intake under 200 mg a day, roughly equivalent to two espressos. And remember, caffeine hides in chocolate, tea, and some soft and energy drinks too.
If you need help managing this book a FREE consultation and contact me today. Hypnotherapy Services
Stay Active: Pregnancy-Friendly Exercise
Regular exercise is your friend during pregnancy, and it's crucial to train for birth the right way. Seek out specialists in pregnancy healthcare like ME! I offer online and in-studio pregnancy yoga classes designed to ease those pregnancy aches and pains and keep your body aligned for a quicker, calmer birth experience.
Maternity Leave and Government Benefits Check in with your employer about your maternity leave entitlements, and explore the Government's financial benefits for expectant mothers. Eligibility for Paid Parental Leave can be found on the New Zealand Government website.
Sign Up for Our Free Newsletter
Don't miss out on our free newsletter, where you'll receive valuable tips on pregnancy, birth, and motherhood. We're here to support you every step of the way.
Litter Box Love
If you have a feline friend, it's time to delegate litter duty. Wear rubber gloves when cleaning the litter box, or ask someone else to lend a hand. Gardening? Gloved hands are a good idea here too.
Remember, you're embarking on an incredible journey, and we're here to guide you through these early stages with care and support. Feel free to reach out anytime if you have questions or just want to chat. Your journey to motherhood is unique, and i'm excited to be part of it! 🌼 #birtheducation #hypnobirthingAuckland #AntenatalClasses #EarlyPregnancy #1sttrimester #pregnancyyoga #AntenatalClassAuckland
Donna x